A downloadable game for Windows

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General info

Elengard: Ascension focuses on the idea of self-improvement, power and... ascension! This is accomplished by: (1) making you start from a low position in the world; (2) providing a realistic-driven combat mechanic, which makes the game more immersive, challenging and, consequently, rewarding; (3) providing high control and high diversity of combat abilities, increasing the sense of freedom and power; and (4) allowing you to become superpowerful to the point where you transform yourself in an epic supernatural being. The ascension is not merely a gameplay element that makes your character powerful, it is also related to the events that happen in the story, as well as the philosophical reflections that emerge on the contemplation of light and dark, and of chaos and order.

Gameplay and Combat

  •  Ability configuration: configure several features of abilities (especially spells), such as power, range, radius, and more. Let prepared as many pre-configured abilities as you want.
  • Spell actions: perform sub-actions related to the spell cast, like, holding or throwing a orb, charging a magical projectile and casting it.
  • High control of combat actions: chose between a plenty of strategic actions, like, prioritizing block defense or dodge defense, area attacks or non-area attacks, swing attacks or straight attacks, weapon grip modes, combat modes like Speed X Strength, Aggressive X Defensive, and much more.
  • Archetypes System: Archetypes are like classes in other RPGs, but you don't choose an archetype to level up, but abilities. Abilities may or may not have associated archetypes. Acquiring archetype abilities can increase the archetype level, which can provide some bonuses.
  • Archetypes inspired in D&D classes: the archetypes are inspired by the classical D&D classes, but built in a different way. Some examples are Soldier, Barbarian, Rogue, Wizard, Sorcerer, Priest, Paladin and Druid.

Under development

This game is currently under development and its content is subject to change. The download file in this page refers to a gameplay demo with the minimum expected features for the game.

Support the Dev!

You can support the dev by wishlisting the game on Steam and/or by donating when downloading the file. The dev quit his job years ago and since then is fully dedicated to developing this game.


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